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Scott Nelson is the owner and operator of Total Maintenance, Inc., headquartered in Merrillville, Lake County, Indiana.

Total Maintenance services residents and commercial clients in Lake and Porter County, located in Northwest Indiana.

Running water, toilets that flush, hot water heaters that provide hot showers, and sewage making its way out of your home are daily benefits that we realize without much thought. That is, until the water doesn’t run, the toilet clogs up, the hot shower never quite gets hot, and your heater stops heating and then days grind to a halt.

Its companies like Total Maintenance and people like Scott Nelson that are dedicated to ensuring the folks of Northwest Indiana resolve these minor catastrophes so life and living can get back to normal expeditiously.

Business owners take risks and often work till long, exhaustive hours to service their clients. Sure there are freedoms in owning a business, but these freedoms come at a cost. Rarely mentioned and more rarely acknowledged are business owners like Scott Nelson that are there to service the local people.

Scott prides himself on being clean, reliable, and an on time…. Some call this being a professional.

What is a secret to Scott’s success? He personally inspects every job thus ensures his quality control is in and his customers truly appreciate this personal attention.

Total Maintenance can help you with:

  • Kitchen Plumbing
  • Bathroom Plumbing
  • Water Heater Repair
  • Drywall
  • Fixture repair and installation
  • Electrical situations


Have a plumbing or maintenance need, give Total Maintenance a buzz at 219-545-2457 or check them out online by clicking HERE.

What you may not know is that Scott Nelson and Total Maintenance support the Humane Society, which helps the community with the animal population and quality of life issues for pets and pet owners.

So from the staff of Local Search Force that runs the County Advisory Board…

Scott Nelson, you are highly commended for your service to Northwest Indiana’s residents and businesses, for having and maintaining a business that adds to the financial well-being of the community, and for your willingness to do volunteer work providing help to others and animals.

Well done Scott!

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