Dr. Kathleen Neuhoff is the owner and operator of Family Foot Care Clinic, which is located in south Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana.
Dr. Neuhoff is a nationally recognized lecturer that has spoken to health care professionals locally and nationally. She is a Doctor of Podiatry, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, lover of animals, loving wife and mother, and supporter of social activities that get youth involved.
When it comes to occupations, such as health care, a solid education from the top educational institutes is the optimal foundation. Dr. Neuhoof graduated from Dr. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine in 1993 where she received the Clinical Proficiency Award by unanimous decision, successfully achieved board certification in surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgeons in 1998 and currently performs more than 200 foot surgeries each year. Prior to becoming a podiatrist, Sr. Neuhoof received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Purdue University and enjoys to this day a second career as a veterinarian.
Having owner operated experts, like Dr. Neuhoof, is an asset and benefit to the St. Joseph County communities. Someone super involved in the well-being of this area become the warp and woof and the South Bend community has a gem in Dr. Neuhoof.
Ask Dr. Neuhoof what the secret to her success is and she’ll quickly boast about her exceptional staff that are dedicated to caring for the health of their patients. The clinic does their best to see any client in pain within 48 hours or less, even new clients.
Family Foot Care make their own orthotics in house for their patients. This gives the clinic opportunities to fit the orthotics properly and make timely adjustments when needed.
When operations are needed, the professionals of Family Foot Care utilize power equipment for surgery and procedures in house as well as having privileges at St. Joseph Hospital and Memorial Hospital for procedures that require anesthesia.
Family Foot Care helps elderly, but does not limit their help to aging patients. Young athletes and children have podiatric needs and Dr. Neuhoof is the right choice for these patients.
Business owners take risks and often work long, exhaustive hours to service their clients. There are freedoms in owning a business, but these freedoms come at a cost. Rarely acknowledged are business owners like Dr. Neuhoof that employ people and the financial obligations that are part and parcel of being a business owner. Sure people earn their wages through their time, hard work and skills, but let’s take a moment and thank Kathleen Neuhoof for having and continuing the business ownership game that allows people an opportunity to produce and earn those wages.
Have a foot issue, schedule an appointment by calling (574) 287-5859 or check her clinic out online by clicking HERE.
Besides her academic prowess and her service to the healthcare industries, Dr. Neuhoof has been an active contributor in 4-H, a Director of the Boy Scouts, helping to get stalls for horses at the County Fair Grounds, and volunteers her time by visiting schools on career days.
Does this sound like someone you would want taking care of your feet and the feet of your loved ones? Yes, me too.
So from the staff of Local Search Force that runs the County Advisory Board…
Dr. Kathleen Nuehoof, you are highly commended for your service to Northern Indiana, for having and maintaining a business that adds to the financial well-being of the community, and for your willingness to support and participate in social betterment activities.
Well done Dr. Kathleen Nuehoof!